What does it mean to dream about eating penises? - penises in vajinas
What dream of eating penis?
I do not know anything definite about the dream I can remember, eating penis.
I woke up about 2 hours, and the taste of copper in the mouth - is that what most alien and repulsive.
Well ... could pave the way for a living to follow - we all have to eat, live and survive. Food is life. What you eat is important to keep alive, functioning, healthy and safe. So does penile eat, you cocks in her life, so in the future remains.
Or we could say that cutting the consumption of the penis, cutting and washers and chewing with the teeth in the mouth, an expression of power or dominion over him. Then you can eat the penis, in this case could mean that they reject the concept of a cock in her life and either do not need or want.
But I personally think it's just a dream. You could cheesecake is as good a hot dog or a worm or a big piece. I like to believe it that some dreams can have a profound meaning and interpretations, but in this case I think a penis is a penis.
You have to be a strong desire to ********!!!! Violence
Just kidding.
It can not mean anything. Dreams are only thoughts you have during sleep.
His dream, said that as human beings, but very angry. It bothers her boyfriend a lot
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